Anti-Black Studies Legislation, Anti-Trans Legislation, and the Start of Lent

Fr. Daniel, Heidi, and David discuss the efforts of Florida Governor Ron Desantis to change the AP curriculum, the parallels between anti-Trans and anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation and the policies of many Catholic schools and dioceses, and the challenges and joys of entering the season of Lent.


Buckley Lecture in Hartford, CT

Archdiocese of Louisville, March 1st

Segment 1 - Anti-Black Studies Legislation

The College Board

The “Stop WOKE Act”

The Florida Department of Education takes credit

Nazareth lecture in Rochester, NY

Segment 2 - Anti-Trans Legislation

Recent Katie Collins Scott reporting in NCR

NCR editorial: “Talk with Trans persons”

ACLU tracking of anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-Trans legislation, state by state

2022: Catholic policies create a ‘culture of fear’

Resources for LGBTQ+ Catholics

The truth about so-called 'gender ideology'

What's the path to true dialogue about gender in the church?

Church's anti-LGBTQ policies drive people away — and the policies are sinful, too

‘History will judge the church harshly for its treatment of LGBTQ persons’

‘Why Catholics should use preferred gender pronouns and names’

‘Recent transphobic statements from bishops make truth claims without facts’

Segment 3 - The Start of Lent

Earlier lenten episodes on The Francis Effect from 2022 and 2021

Fr. Daniel’s earlier Scripture series with Ligouri

Sandburg Media