Governor Cuomo, LGBTQ Blessings, and the Atlanta Spa Shootings


Heidi, Fr. Daniel, and David discuss the recent document on LGBTQ blessings from the CDF, the domestic terrorism that occurred in Atlanta, and the unfolding situation with the Governor of New York


March Madness

SEGMENT 1 - The CDF Document on Same-Sex Blessings

CDF Document on the Question of Blessing Same-Sex Unions

German bishops and their synod

NCR editorial on synodality

“Who am I to judge?”

America Magazine- rushed past the Pope?

Mark 5

Many are leaving - nothing new, but the last straw

Sacraments and sacramentals - differences

You do not have to be ordained to bless

Cardinal Cupich’s Statement on Same-Sex Unions

SEGMENT 2 - The Atlanta Area Shootings

We pray for the eight victims of the Atlanta shootings, and for their loved ones

Soon Chung Park, age 74
Hyun Jung Grant, age 51
Suncha Kim, age 69
Yong Yue, age 63
Delaina Ashley Yaun, age 33
Paul Andre Michels, age 54
Xiaojie Tan, age 49
Daoyou Feng, age 44

Cardinal Cupich Statement on Atlanta-Area Shootings

“Model minority” myth

Kate Manne - Down Girl and Entitled

Andrew Sung Park

Kevin Considine

The concept of Han

An opinion piece from Pax Christi on background checks

Note: We mentioned that at the time of taping, there was no mention of the attack on the USCCB website, however a couple of hours after we finished recording, the USCCB did release a statement on the shootings.

SEGMENT 3 - Goveror Cuomo

Cuomo homophobic ad campaign

Allegations of harassment and assault

Nursing home deaths

Higher standards - the Common Good

Was Al Franken a mistake? Jane Mayer New Yorker

Mike Madigan - political bullying

Sandburg Media